
Quick reads

What can be gained from a visit to the seller’s premises?

What can be gained from a visit to the seller’s premises?

The visit to the seller’s premises can be hugely beneficial and potentially enlightening in many ways. Not least due to the fact that you are probably meeting the owner(s) face to face for the first time which, in itself, is very important in enabling you to start to build a rapport with them, but there are many other considerations, for example:

  • Look and feel of the place
  • Culture
  • Owners approach to staff
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Research and development (R&D)
  • Quality control
  • Key staff member
  • Warehouse condition
  • Transport links
  • The building
  • Room for expansion
  • Industrial estate location
  • Additional information available

A visit to the seller’s premises will hopefully be a very worthwhile investment of your time but, you must be sure that you’ve spent sufficient time analysing the business and don’t to go on too many wild goose chases.